Identifying Steroids in Lightening Creams

Ladies just a quick warning, please be careful with topical steroids.

These steroids are added to many creams meant to treat acne, eczema, itching and rashes.

Topical steroids was found to lighten the complexion so skin lightening companies have been adding steroids to their products for years.

Most of you here in this group do not know what these steroids are so here are a list of different names for topical steroids.

Please check your skincare products for these ingredients and throw them out.





betamethasone valerate



I don’t care if your dermatologist prescribed steroids. Nothing good comes out of steroid use because it does not cure or address the underlying cause of your skin problems. it’s just a temporary fix. Dasit!

I have a video coming soon later this week to discuss the dangers of steroid use and how to over come steroid addiction. Make sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss it.

The Top 3 Collagen Powders On The Market.

So after my well received review on SR Collagen Peptide on my youtube channel Collagen Peptides For Younger Skin , I’ve decided to share a list of the top 3 collagen powder on the market right here on the Born To Glo blog.



But before I do that, let me just share the reasons why you need to add collagen to your beauty regime.

  1. Beautiful, glowing, healthy and younger looking skin. If you are not using collagen, you my dear is doing yourself a disservice.
  2. Healthy hair and nail growth. My hair got a lot thicker and my nails were no longer brittle after just one month of use. As women, when we get older, we tend to experience hair loss and thinning. Collagen is a great way to combat this problem.
  3. Healthy bone and joint health. My knees used to make that weird cracking/popping sound every time I stooped down to pet my cats or while doing squats. I am happy to report that this is no longer a problem.

Overall incorporating collagen into my beauty regime has been a huge game changer for me. Ladies do yourselves a favor and get on this collagen bandwagon asap!

Here are my top three favorite collagen powder!

SR Collagen Peptides Powder

Vital Proteins Collagen Protein Powder

Health Revolution Multi Collagen Peptides

Ladies I hope this list was helpful with helping you chose the right collagen for you. If you have any further questions send me a message.

3 Things You Need To know Before Getting A Chemical Peel!

Have you thought about getting a chemical peel, but not sure how to go about getting it done?

Are you one of these people that googled chemical peels or search chemical peels on YouTube but walked away feeling more confused than ever?


What if I told you that it’s simpler than you think? I’ve even made it a lot easier for you to understand so that you can make the best decision for your skin.

So here, I present to you, three things you need to know before getting a chemical peel.

1. There are 3 different types of chemical peels.

Not all chemical peels were made equal.
The three types of peels are; superficial, medium and deep.



Superficial and medium peels are the most common types of peels performed by dermatologist and estheticians world wide. They are relatively safe and the down time is short and would only last from 3 days to 2 weeks depending on the strength of the peel and the ingredients  in the peel. A lot of people opt to perform superficial to medium peels in the comforts of their homes for various reasons which includes saving time and money

The ingredients most commonly found in superficial to medium peels are:
. Glycolic acid (AHA)
Lactic acid
. Salicylic acid (BHA)
. Resorcinol
. Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)

Deep Peels
Baker’s phenol

If you decide to get a deep peel, make sure you do your research and find the right dermatologist because a deep peel requires anesthesia and weeks of downtime. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PERFORM A DEEP PEEL AT HOME!


2. What the different types of peels are best for

Superficial peels correct minor pigment irregularities and remove dead, dry skin cells. (Gives best results when repeated every few weeks)

Medium peels improve texture and remove areas of hyperpigmentation, freckles, and sun spots.
(Can be repeated every six months)

Deep peels improve wrinkles, furrows, lesions, and pigment irregularities.
(Only done once, however can be repeated years later).



3. The Potential Side Effects of Chemical Peels

Superficial peels (which are my favorite) does not require recovery type. However skin can be sensitive and itchy for the first 48 hours. Just moisturize the skin with gentle moisturizer and wear sunscreen.

Medium peels can cause irritation like redness and swelling for a week. At this time you keep the skin moisturized and use sunscreen. Do not use harsh exfoliating soaps or creams or any lightening products on the skin during the recovery phase! I love using almond oil right after a peel to keep the area soft and moisturize.

Deep Peels usually cause crusting, therefor wound care is needed. You may also be prescribed antibiotics and anti viral drugs to make sure that you don’t develop an infection during your recovery time.

Please note that medium to deep peels may cause scarring when done on the entire face.


Hopefully this information was helpful to you. With this info, you should now feel more confident in making the right choice for your skin. After all, our motto here is Glowing Skin Made Simple.

Every girl deserves to have clear, youthful and glowing skin. And my goal is to help you achieve your skincare goals.

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Goat Milk Soap.

Goat milk soap has many benefits. I’ve always been told how great goat milk soap is and although I assume this to be true, nothing could have prepared me for all the amazing things this soap has done for my skin. So can you imagine what it can do for you?

So here I’m sharing with you, 5 reasons why you should start using goat milk soap.

1. Cell renewal.

Goat milk soap has alpha hydroxy acids. Specifically lactic acids which removes dead skin cells, encouraging rapid cell turnover, and leaving you with fresh new younger and smoother looking skin.

2. Keeps skin cancer at bay.

Goat milk soap contains selenium which has been scientifically proven to prevent cancer. And we can all do with a little bit of protection don’t we? I can’t believe I’ve been sleeping on this soap!

3. Repairs damage skin.

Goat milk soap is great for repairing skin that has been damaged by sun exposure. It’s also great for soothing and managing skin conditions like eczema, contact dermatitis and psoriasis. This is due to a high vitamin A content in goat milk.

4. Lots of moisture!

Goat milk soap will not dry your skin out like other soaps. This soap keeps your skin moisturize even during the winter. If you are like me and live in the tropics, you will never have dry skin ever again!

5. Restores and maintains PH balance of the skin.

Goat milk soap contains a fatty acid named caprylic acid, which means that the soap has a similar PH balance of the human body, which keeps the skin healthy.

So have I convinced you to try goat milk soap today? If you do, make sure you get goat milk soap made from real goat milk.


Are you curious about skin lightening? Are you thinking about lightening your skin but don’t know how or don’t know where to start. Perhaps you have already started lightening your skin but you haven’t achieved the results you were looking for initially. Maybe you have seen your favorite celebrity, IG model or someone in your neighborhood went from dark to light and you want to know how they did it?

But have you asked yourself if you’re even a good candidate for skin lightening? Is skin lightening for you? Keep reading to find out.

Here are some questions you should ask before you embark on a skin lightening journey:

1. Do you want to lighten your skin fast? For example, are you dark like Lupita, but you wish to get as light as Beyoncé but you want to do it as quickly as possible?

If this is your current mindset, then I’m afraid that skin lightening is not for you. If you wish to lighten your skin evenly and safely in just a space of a couple weeks or months, there is no cream or product on the market that will give you such quick results unless said products are loaded with steroid and other dangerous chemicals like mercury etc. Even glutathione IV takes time and you still need to have a good exfoliating regime to go with it. When it comes to skin lightening, slow and steady wins the race. So if you’re trying to get super light over night, then my advice to you is to just leave skin lightening alone. People who abuse skin lightening always give the skin lightening community a bad rep. These are the people that you see with severely damaged skin in those negative, propaganda driven documentaries about skin bleaching. And we have all seen those videos because for some weird reason, they always get a ton of views.

2. Do you wish to lighten your skin, but you are terrified of getting skin cancer?

If this is you, then I would advise you to drop the creams and soap, stop lightening all together and just do some research. And by research, I mean you will have to take time out of your days and study the different types of skin lightening agents before you decide which is best for you. You have to know what is best for your skin. Only you know your skin. You have to chose the right skin lightening ingredients that works best with your skin, and the only way to do that is my gathering knowledge. Therefore when you decide to lighten your skin, you are making a knowledgeable choice when it comes to products and ingredients and not an ignorant one. Also there are loads of safe natural products that you can use to lighten your skin. You will not get skin cancer from natural skin lightening products. Most people that get skin cancer, never used bleaching products. Besides if you are so afraid of getting cancer, just remember that there is something called the law of attraction. So be careful of what you’re focused on.

3. Have you tried everything and nothing worked?

If this is you, there is something(s) you’re doing wrong, or not doing at all. Most likely you are missing steps in your skin lightening regime. Here are a few reasons why nothing worked despite trying “everything”;

You do not exfoliate or you did not exfoliate before you started lightening. And by exfoliate, I mean that you need more than just an exfoliating glove or whatever you use to manually exfoliate. You need to use soaps, lotions and peels that are designed to exfoliate the skin. If you do not exfoliate at least 4-6 weeks before you start lightening, chances are your results will not be great. You will most likely be walking around with patchy skin and a lighter face than your body. This is not a cute look so if you are walking around looking uneven and ashy after skin lightening, you’re doing it wrong.

4. Are you worried about what others will think about you after skin lightening?

If this is you, then skin lightening is definitely not for you. Do not lighten your skin if your are concern about what your friends, family and peers think. If Dencia, Blac Chyna, Nicki Minaj and Michael Jackson cared, they wouldn’t have lightened their skin at all. What you need to do is focus on the reasons why you wish to have lighter skin. Everyone have reasons as to why they wish to lighten whether they are lightening just to even out their skin tone or remove dark marks, or they just want to be lighter. No reason is better than the other. If you are lightening your skin, people will notice. However if you can’t handle negative comments, snide remarks and people telling you that you hate yourself, then this is most definitely not for you. Luckily I live in the Caribbean and the majority of comments and reactions I got were positive. If you live in a country where skin lightening is frowned upon, you have to be strong.

5. Do you wish to lighten but can’t afford to?

Ok this is a very important question that you need to ask yourself. Skin lightening the right way ain’t cheap. Especially when you are new to skin lightening. What’s gonna happen is, you will be spending a lot of money on products. The amount you spend will be determined by how dark you are and what your goals are. Skin lightening is an expensive and time consuming process. You can’t be lazy, and don’t expect short cuts either. Slow lightening is always better than fast lightening because your results will last longer and be easier to maintain. If you feel like you don’t have the time to exfoliate everyday and apply products at least twice a day, then skin lightening is not for you.

6. D you constantly switch and change the products that you’re using?

If you are constantly changing and switching the products you’re using please stop. Really just stop. You are not giving your products time to work. Usually with most skin lightening products, you should see some signs within 2-4 weeks that it’s working. These products don’t work overnight. The only skin lightening products that will give you fast overnight results are usually very dangerous and the results are usually short lived with people complaining about rashes and bumps and their skin going back darker than when they started. So please give your lightening products time to work. ALL skin lightening products work. But they will not work if you do not give them a chance to, or if you did not exfoliate but expecting to get results by applying products to years and years of dead skin that has never been exfoliated.

7. Do you work in the sun?

If you currently spend a lot of time in the sun or your job requires you to be in the sun exposed to UVA rays, then skin lightening is most definitely not for you. Please do not attempt to lighten your skin if you’re always in the sun! This shouldn’t even have to be said, but I’ve seen what happens to people who try to lighten their skin when they are always in the sun. It’s not a good look at all so please don’t do it. Even when you wear sunscreen, being in the sun for an extended period of time is not good for you.

Well that’s all for today my glow queens. Let me know if you found this post helpful.



Your Questions Answered!

Last year, I posted a review video on YouTube about Jarrow Glutathione supplements. At the time my channel was just a small beauty channel based solely on makeup. one day I was going through my daily supplements and I thought that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to do a review of some of the products I use. So I sat down, recorded the video posted it and then I forgot about the video shortly after.

Well you can imagine my surprised when the video started getting more views than my average videos. I had no idea so many people were into skincare like that. I got so many messages in my Instagram DMs. People had a lot of questions.

So I’ve decided to address the most common questions in another video, as well as this blog. You can stop reading here and go straight to the video or you can stay here if you don’t mind reading.

So here are the most common questions I got asked about Jarrow Reduced Glutathione.

You can watch the video here

1. Do you take glutathione with vitamin C?
Yes I do take glutathione supplements with vitamin C. According to research and personal testimonies from a lot of people that take glutathione, you get the best results with vitamin C.

2. Do you take glutathione supplements everyday?
I try to take them everyday. It’s not that easy because sometimes I do forget, or I may even go a few days without taking them. The longest I’ve gone without taking them was 2-3 months, which I regretted because my adult acne came back, and my skin looked dull.

3. Do you have before and after pics?
When I started taking glutathione 5 years ago, I wanted to get rid of my adult acne. Skin lightening wasn’t the goal because I was already at my goal skin tone. So unfortunately I do not have pics of my acne simply because I’ve never taken pics without makeup on. I do have before and after pics of my skin lightening journey, but I’ll save that for another blog entry.

4. How many do you take a day?
I take 2 glutathione capsules a day together with 1000mg vitamin C. I have considered increasing my dose, but I haven’t done so yet. I will increase my dosage sometime in the future for research purposes so be sure to subscribe to my blog as well as my youtube channel if you’re interested in more skincare content.

5. Does it work just as well as glutathione IV?
Glutathione IV is by far the strongest and most effective form of glutathione there is, however, it can be quite expensive and you may need several shots before you see results. Glutathione supplements on the other hand, works very slow and may not yield the results you may be looking for depending on your skin goals. There are quite a few researches that claims that glutathione supplements does not work at all simple because it does not absorb well through the stomach. In spite of all the research out there, many people have claimed that they get great results from oral glutathione. As for me, I truly believe that glutathione supplements work because it has changes my skin. My skin is now brighter, acne free and it glows from within. I know for a fact that its the glutathione because my skin looks dull when I stop using it and my acne comes back.

6. Does it lighten the skin?
This was the number one most common question I got from my viewers on youtube.
The short answer is yes and no.
I do not believe that you can lighten your skin by just taking glutathione supplements alone unless you already have fair skin. In order to get lighter skin with oral glutathione, you will need to have a skin lighten regime that is free of hydroquinone. Or you at least need to be exfoliating your skin. Your exfoliation game needs to be strong and you need to be avoiding the sun as much as possible and always wearing sunscreen. Getting lighter skin is definitely attainable when done properly, therefor I believe that it’s absolutely possible to get lighter skin with glutathione supplements, but you must have a skin lightening regime to go with it. It will not lighten you by itself. What you will get is soft, acne free glowing skin. You will even notice fine lines either disappearing or reducing in appearance. Which is what you want anyway because skin that looks obviously bleached is not a good look.

So this was the top 6 questions I received from you guys.
I hope this post was helpful.
I have a lot more information to share with you guys so make sure to follow this blog, and head over to my youtube channel and subscribe for more.